We know.
You know.

We educate dentists and dental staff.

We have the knowledge. We have the facilities. We have a real desire to share substantive knowledge and practice.

Welcome to Cracow!

And precisely to the Zabierzów town near Cracow. We will take care of comfortable conditions, great atmosphere and a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge.

Our training is addressed to: 

- dentists,
- hygienists and assistants,
- physiotherapists and osteopaths,
- managers.

We're working together!

Nobel Biocare is a world leader in the field of innovative implant-based dental restorations. Our goal is to empower dental professionals to give quality of life back to their patients.


(watch our clinic)


All-on-4® Master Class.
Advanced implant course.

Mastering All-on-4® treatment concept
- practical approach


Hubert Trzepatowski.
Poland's only certified All-on-4® trainer.

About the course:

This interactive course is structured to lead you from the basic rules of All-on-4® treatment concept, through using most common methods like free hand, navigated and dynamic surgery, up to the designing and creating the temporary and final full-arch prosthesis. Leading Polish expert dr Hubert Trzepatowski along with his team will draw upon their experience of successful treatment and follow-up to help you restore the smile of more patients, more effectively.

You will increase your confidence and skills with choosing the right surgery method and mastering it, qualifying and preparing the patient, as well as coping with the most difficult cases and complications. Indications and limitations of the static and dynamic guided surgery will be reviewed and discussed, and the core rules of the All-on-4® treatment concept will be also addressed, including the biomechanics of the method, surgical and prosthetic protocol step by step, implants choice, the Malo bridge, aftercare of the patient. You will be able to see, discuss and take part in the whole process from planning the surgery to placing the temporary prosthesis. 

We look forward to seeing you!

Agenda highlights:

Thursday. Day 1.

09.00 - 09:15   |   Course opening.

09.15 - 10.00   |   All-on-4® concept. Biomechanics. Principles.

10.00 - 11.30   |    All-on-4® - Surgery procedure - theory.

11.30 - 12.00   |   Live surgery case presentation.

12.00 - 14.00   |   All-on-4® - live surgery.

14.00 - 15.00   |   Lunch.

15.00 - 16.45   |   All-on-4® - Prosthetics procedure theory.

17.00 - 17.45   |   Aftercare procedure theory.

17.45 - 18.30   |   Difficulties.

19.00 - ...          |   Dinner at Pimiento restaurant

Friday. Day 2.

08.30 - 10:00   |   Osteopathy and patient physiotherapy - patient preparation.

10.00 - 10:3 |   Tips and tricks.

10.30 - 12:0 |   HandsOn session.

12.00 - 12:30   |   Placing the temporary bridge.

12.30 - 13:00   |   Why All-on-4®?

13.00 - 13:3 |   Certificates.


Dr Hubert Trzepatowski
Dental Prosthodontics Specialist, Key Expert All-on-4®, the only certified All-on-4® trainer in Poland.

Dr Hubert Trzepatowski conducted 800 All-on-4® treatment concept procedures in general, took part in All-on-4® treatment conc ept courses in Portugal at prof. Paulo Malo clinic and in many meetings with him related to the procedure. Graduated from the medical and dental faculty at Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow he recived a diploma and the title of a dentist doctor in 2007, as well as from prosthetic faculty at the 5th Military Clinical Hospital of the Polyclinic in Krakow. 

Member of the Local Medical Chamber in Krakow and the Polish Dental Society Expert in dental surgery and prosthetics. Started his practice in the USA, where he has gained many recognized certificates in the implantology.

Learning outcomes:

Who should attend:

This course is designed for clinicians seeking to develop and/or enhance their experience with conducting the All-on-4® treatment concept procedure, with free hand, static guided surgery and dynamic navigation. 

Minimum requirements for participation
Participants require a good understanding of the English language in order to ensure constructive participation. 

Course level


ul. Rodziny Poganów 106C,
32-080 Zabierzów (near Cracow) POLAND

Course information:

EUR 2900 incl. VAT participation fee 

(Registration fee includes beverages, coffee breaks, lunches, evening social activities)

10 participant numbers.

Course dates:

8-9 May 🇬🇧 (international)

20-21 November 🇬🇧 (international)

Travel costs | Haldent Academy is not responsible for reimbursing prepaid customer travel costs (including non-refundable costs). We recommend that participants schedule and purchase airfare and hotel accommodation taking this aspect into account. 

Cancellation policy | The participant has the right to request full reimbursement of the registration fee if cancellation occurs no later than 30 days prior to the start of the course. The organizer reserves the right to cancel the course 30 days before the start date in case the minimum number of participants is not reached. In this case the registration fee will be reimbursed.




Dariusz Stolarz


tel. 661 272 545